“Dragons” and “Tauras” teams met in the penultimate match of the regular season. In the previous game, after a tough fight, “Dragons” celebrated the victory so “Tauras” team sought revenge.

At the beginning of the match the representatives of Peterborough gained an early lead with the result 9:2. “Dragons” took a time out, adjusted the game plan and after the first quarter led 14:11. In the second quarter, the game went point to point, neither team was able to organize at least a few successful offensive attacks in a row. The teams went into the long break with a tied score of 24:24.

After a long break, “Tauras” tried to take the initiative and after a couple of three point shots advanced. Unfortunately, this was followed immediately by several turnovers, fast break attacks by the “Dragons”, after which they enjoyed a 7 point lead before the last quarter. The decisive part of the match started with accurate three point shots by “Tauras” and the difference between the teams decreased to 4 points. When it seemed that the intrigue was reborn and the winners would be decided in the last minute, the “Dragons” were able to defend from several opponents’ attacks, made difficult shots themselves and celebrated the victory with the final score of 65:59.

“Dragons”: D.Jakštaitis 15 pts, T.Zobiela 14 pts, E.Jurčiukonis 12 pts. 
“Tauras”: T.Myrovas 19 pts, A.Račickas 13 pts, K.Palubinskas 12 pts.